
Workshops and education

Are you a policy maker, social worker, or other professional and do you want to work towards more inclusion in your practice, policy or governance, with a focus on LGBT+ people with a migrant background? You will find a reliable and professional partner in Merhaba.


Our expertise

Merhaba has unique expertise and knowhow on the intersection of gender, sexual and cultural diversity. As the only professional organisation for and by LGBT+ people with a migrant background, we are unique in Belgium. With 20 years of experience working with LGBT+ people with a migrant background have provided us with in-depth insight in their needs, queries and struggles, and the impact of exclusion on their identity and wellbeing. Additionally, we have grounded expertise in creating more inclusion and solidarity within different contexts. 


For whom? 

We chose to share our expertise first and foremost with those sectors that come into contact with LGBT+ people with a migrant background, such as social work, the asylum sector, and the educational and youth sector. 

Additionally, we offer train-the-trainer courses to professionals who aim to set up in-depth programs around gender, sexual and cultural diversity. 


What we offer

We work mainly in Dutch and French. For tailor-made activities or programs, contact us
